Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

mobile game development

We are group seven will introduce our products. Our products about game. We will explain make game mobile. Our game use java program. Ok
First we need software netbeans. Then you click new project then java ME and mobile aplication and next. After that you Write your name in project name and then you next. At emulator platform choice Sun java (TM) wireless toolkit 2.5 for CLDC and finish. After that on table projects precisely at the group seven project and click right at new and game builder. Then write your name in MIDP Class Name and click finish then ok, after that time we will design our games feature and choice feature in sprites, tiled layers, scenes..
for sprites we will choice picture . we need four sprite
1 people as sprite and player.
2 mushroom as sprite and object.
3 vegetables as sprite and object.
4 spider as sprite and enemy.

For tiled layers, we need two picture
1 grass as tiled layers.
2 tree as tiled layers.
And last picture this picture is a merger between sprites and tiled images.

Game scenario
this game , at moment people search object mushroom, vegetable so the game will increase score ten point and if enemy eating people so score will decrease 10 point. the game will game over if lose time and life empty. At the game have four life and fifty time.
in this game there are processes
1. menu game.
2. begin game.
3. game over
4. you win.

We think enough for make to our project. We hope useful for you. Thank you for all.

1 komentar:

mr.Elha mengatakan...

Nice Project,

Just passing by,,

~TripleSix~ http://triplesix.co.tv
Kelompok 6

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